It is time to look and feel well!
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”
– Albert Einstein
We cannot address healing with the same lifestyle which created the health challenges sometimes over years.
Every individual is unique and has his/her own story. This story influences drastically who we are, and also how we are, in life, in health, or in illness. The same diagnostic does not mean the same protocol for healing. The uniqueness of the person demands a unique way of healing.
Learn about how to reduce pain and heal yourself
Regeneration, Anti-Aging & Stem Cells
I have been involved in holistic health for nearly 40 years using many modalities.
LifeWave How to enroll as a wholesale brand partner
I’d love to have you join my LifeWave team! You’ll get access to our amazing team, training website, ect.
Lifewave light Water
More to COME
NES Health Bioenergetic & Energy4Life coaching
NES Health system is at the leading edge of the emerging field of Bio-Energetics.
Mi Health: Portable PEMF/Tense Machine
miHealth is a handheld bioelectric and body-field device, that combines (and improves on) a number of established technologies with our one-of-a-kind information-based technology.
Detox and Reset
Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle looks at the bio-individuality
Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle
Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle looks at the bio-individuality of each person- zooming out to your lifestyle, habits, behaviors, mindset, and environment, then zooming in to look at the intricate functions and physiology of all the body systems.
Schedule an appointment
Schedule a time to chat with me about your needs.